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  • What is the HR team responsible for? 

HR at PHYSEC is responsible for everything you would imagine the HR department to be. We handle everything from job postings, vacation requests, sick leave, contracts to recruiting and applicant management. But we also organize cool team events!  

  •  Why do you like working at PHYSEC? 

I like working at PHYSEC because I enjoy the tasks and because the tasks are so varied. The department is HR but I'm not only responsible for recruiting new employees, I do a little bit of everything. It's a great way to develop yourself. And working in our team is just fun.

  •  How would you describe the team? 

We're fun, very, very friendly and we're a bit "the good soul of the house". If an employee has a problem, he usually comes to the HR department and I think it's great that people feel so comfortable with us or just drop by to pick up a piece of candy. 

 Julia, HR Assistant